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V. J. Schaefer
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Human Dimensions of Fire Management
Human Performance

NRFSN number: 11470
FRAMES RCS number: 11857
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Problems being encountered in implementing fire prevention programs were explored by studying the organization for fire prevention at the Fish Lake, Uinta, and Wasatch National Forests in Utah. The study focused on role congruency in fire prevention activities and on the social and organizational obstacles to effective programs. The problems identified included lack of consistency and lack of adequate measures in determining success in fire prevention performance; limited career advancement potential based on fire prevention work; need for improvement in fire prevention technology particularly social technology; and need for more emphasis on fire prevention at all levels of the U.S. Forest Service. Recommendations for improving fire prevention performance are included.


Schaefer, V.J. 1957. The relationship of jet streams to forest fires. Journal of Forestry. 55(6): 419-425.

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