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Recorded Webinars
Research Briefs
- Capturing fire: RxCADRE takes fire measurements to whole new level
- Towards the understanding of extreme wildland fire behavior
- Fuel Treatment Evaluator 3.0
- Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration; forest structure and fire hazard fact sheet 2: fire hazard
- Fuel moisture as measured and predicted during the 1988 fires in Yellowstone National Park
- Surface fuel loadings and predicted fire behavior for vegetation types in the northern Rocky Mountains
- Calculating the National Fire-Danger Rating spread index by computer
- Conversion tables for use with the National Fire-Danger Rating System in the Intermountain Area
- Crown fire behavior characteristics and prediction in conifer forests: a state-of-knowledge synthesis
- Synthesis of knowledge of extreme fire behavior: Volume 1 for managers
- Wildland surface fire spread modelling, 1990-2007. 1: Physical and quasi-physical models
- Wildland surface fire spread modelling, 1990-2007. 2: Empirical and quasi-empirical models
- Wildland surface fire spread modelling, 1990-2007. 3: Simulation and mathematical analogue models
Conference Proceedings
- A project to measure and model pyrolysis to improve prediction of prescribed fire behavior
- Future Forests Webinar Series, webinar proceedings and summary: ongoing research and management responses to the mountain pine beetle outbreak
- A study of flame spread in engineered cardboard fuelbeds: part II: scaling law approach
- Large scale fire whirls: can their formation be predicted?
- Seasonal predictions for wildland fire severity
- Wildfires, weather, and productivity
- On the use of a firebrand generator to investigate the ignition of structures in wildland-urban interface (WUI) fires
- Employing numerical weather models to enhance fire weather and fire behavior predictions
- MODIS Applications in 2003 Fire Management - Slide presentation
- Predicting surface winds in complex terrain for use in fire spread models
- Assessing the value of increased model resolution in forecasting fire danger
- Performance of the Haines Index during August 2000 for Montana
- Comparison of 2-D wind fields and simulated wildland fire growth
- An initial analysis of relationships between 2- and 10-minute averaged winds at 10, 6, and 1.8 meters: implications for fire behavior and danger applications
- Using FVS and its fire and fuels extension in the context of uncertain climate
- Stevensville West Central Study
- Fire-climate interactions in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness area
- The Mann Gulch Fire and the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
- The relationship between mean monthly fire potential indices and monthly fire severity
- Help with making crown fire hazard assessments
Technical Reports/White Papers
- Evaluating thunderstorm outflow boundaries in WRF-Fire
- Wildfire Trends Across the Western US: Forest Fires Have Increased in Size, Severity, and Frequency Across Western Forests
- The Rothermel surface fire spread model and associated developments: A comprehensive explanation
- How to generate and interpret fire characteristics charts for the U.S. fire danger rating system
- Deriving fundamental statistical shrub fuel models by laser scanning and combustion experimentation
- Crown fire behavior characteristics and prediction in conifer forests: a state-of-knowledge synthesis
- Fuel Characteristic Classification System version 3.0: technical documentation
- Synthesis of knowledge of extreme fire behavior: Volume 1 for managers
- Seasonal predictions for wildland fire severity
- Fuel consumption and flammability thresholds in shrub-dominated ecosystems - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Guide to fuel treatments in dry forests of the Western United States: assessing forest structure and fire hazard
- Comparison of crown fire modeling systems used in three fire management applications
- Climate drivers of fire and fuel in the Northern Rockies: past, present & future - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Modeling surface winds in complex terrain for wildland fire incident support - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Climatic controls of fire in the western United States: from the atmosphere to ecosystems - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- FuelCalc: A tool for calculating wildland fuel quantities and qualities and supporting fuel management decision - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Cumulative effects of fuel management on landscape-scale fire behavior and effects - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Landscape fire simulation and fuel treatment optimization
- A comment on models and modelling in fire/fuel management
- Development of input data layers for the FARSITE fire growth model for the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Complex, USA
- Mann Gulch fire: a race that couldn't be won
- Predicting behavior and size of crown fires in the northern Rocky Mountains
- Help with making crown fire hazard assessments
- Appraising fuels and flammability in western aspen: a prescribed fire guide
- Predicting duff and woody fuel consumed by prescribed fire in the Northern Rocky Mountains
- Changes in fire weather distributions: effects on predicted fire behavior
- Fuel and fire behavior prediction in big sagebrush
- Influence of harvesting and residues on fuels and fire management
- Fire danger rating network density
- Mechanisms of fire spread research progress report no. 2
- Fire behavior in Northern Rocky Mountain Forests