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Jeanne L. Hoadley, Miriam L. Rorig, Kenneth Westrick, Larry S. Bradshaw, Sue A. Ferguson, Scott L. Goodrick, Paul A. Werth
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Fire Behavior
Extreme Fire Behavior
Case Studies
Fire Prediction

NRFSN number: 10969
FRAMES RCS number: 2499
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The fire season of 2000 was used as a case study to assess the value of increasing mesoscale model resolution for fire weather and fire danger forecasting. With a domain centered on Western Montana and Northern Idaho, MM5 simulations were run at 36, 12, and 4-km resolutions for a 30 day period at the height of the fire season. Verification analyses for meteorological parameters that influence fire danger rating were done for observation sites within the model 4km domain.


Hoadley, Jeanne L.; Rorig, Miriam L.; Westrick, Kenneth; Bradshaw, Larry S.; Ferguson, Sue A.; Goodrick, Scott L.; Werth, Paul. 2003. Assessing the value of increased model resolution in forecasting fire danger. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress and the 5th Symposium on fire and forest meteorology; 2003 November 16; American Meteorological Society. p. 1-5.

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