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Karl F. Zeller, Ned Nikolov, John S. Snook, Mark A. Finney, Jason M. Forthofer
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Fire Behavior
Simulation Modeling

NRFSN number: 11019
FRAMES RCS number: 7975
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The paper discusses wildfire growth simulated by the FARSITE model using high-resolution wind fields over complex terrain extracted from operational runs of the MM5 weather forecast model supported by the USDA FS Rocky Mountain Center (RMC: The original 12-km resolution wind field (simulated by MM5) has been scaled down to 100 m using diagnostic scaling routines from the Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS). This approach provides the opportunity to better model conditions sensed by real fires. We use the August - September 2003 Snow-Talon fire in Montana to illustrate this new capability.


Zeller, Karl F.; Nikolov, Ned; Snook, J.; Finney, Mark A.; McGinley, J.; Forthofer, Jason M. 2003. Comparison of 2-D wind fields and simulated wildland fire growth. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress and the 5th Symposium on fire and forest meteorology. Boston, MA: American Meteorological Society. J2.5.

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