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Domingos Xavier Viegas, J. Soares, Miguel Almeida
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Fire Behavior
Simulation Modeling

NRFSN number: 12427
FRAMES RCS number: 16008
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The problem of predicting the rate of spread of a linear fire front in a fuel bed composed of one live and one dead fuel component in no-slope and no-wind conditions is addressed. Two linear models based on the mass fraction of each fuel component are proposed to predict the rate of spread of a fire front as a function of the mass fraction of the dead or dry fuel component. Experimental results obtained with two different mixtures show that for each fuel mixture there is a threshold value of mass concentration of the dead fuel below which the fire front does not spread. The rate of spread results compare favourably with the proposed models. A composite fuel moisture content of the fuel bed is shown to be a good descriptor of the rate of spread of the mixture. An exponential model using composite fuel moisture content of the fuel bed is proposed to estimate the rate of spread of the mixture and a comparison is made with the concept of fuel curing that is used to characterise live fuels.


Viegas, Domingos Xavier; Soares, J.; Almeida, Miguel. 2013. Combustibility of a mixture of live and dead fuel components. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 22(7): 992-1002.

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