These webinars are part of the U.S. EPA Environmental Justice Webinar Series for Tribes and Indigenous Peoples - to build the capacity of tribal governments, indigenous peoples and other environmental justice practitioners, and discuss priority EJ issues of interest to tribes and indigenous peoples.
This webinar will be focused on the AirNow Fire and Smoke Map, and how air sensors can be used in a community smoke monitor network to measure how much smoke is entering indoor spaces.
Media Record Details
Apr 8, 2021
Brian McCaughey, Andrea Clements, Amara L. Holder, Tara Weston
Hot Topic(s):
Cataloging Information
Fire & Traditional Knowledge
Smoke & Air Quality
Smoke Emissions
Smoke Emissions and Inventory
Smoke Monitoring
Smoke & Air Quality
Smoke Emissions
Smoke Emissions and Inventory
Smoke Monitoring
NRFSN number: 23430
FRAMES RCS number: 63855
Record updated: