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Recorded Webinars
May 20, 2020
Research Briefs
- Air quality impacts from prescribed fire and wildfire: How do they compare?
- How smoke from fires can affect your health
- Six basic smoke management practices for prescribed burning
- Situational awareness: nighttime smoke and fog on prescribed burns
- Filling in the blanks for prescribed fire in shrublands: developing information to support improved fire planning
- Effectiveness of public health messaging and communication channels during smoke events: a rapid systematic review
- A systematic review of the physical health impacts from non-occupational exposure to wildfire smoke
- Research perspectives on the public and fire management: a synthesis of current social science on eight essential questions
Conference Proceedings
- Proceedings of the International Smoke Symposium
- Near real-time emissions of trace gases and aerosol particles from biomass burning based on MODIS direct broadcast data
- Using a MODIS direct broadcast system to monitor fires and smoke, and forecast air quality
- Hydrocarbon and biomass fuel fire field tests
Technical Reports/White Papers
- Smoke and Roadway Safety Guide
- Estimating fire smoke related health burden and novel tools to manage impacts on urban populations
- Synthesis of comprehensive emissions measurements and multi-scale modeling for understanding secondary organic aerosol chemistry in wildland smoke plumes - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- NWCG Smoke Management Guide for Prescribed Fire
- The role of composition and particle size on the toxicity of wildfire emissions
- Hierarchical 3D fuel and consumption maps to support physics-based fire modeling - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- FIRETEC and WFDS modeling of fire behavior and smoke in support of FASMEE - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- U.S. EPA Smoke Emissions, Chemistry, and Transport Modeling - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Application of Daysmoke and PB-P Models in Phase I of the Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Development of a comprehensive plume dynamics and meteorology study plan for FASMEE - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Estimating the Effects of Changing Climate on Fires and Consequences for U.S. Air Quality, Using a Set of Global and Regional Climate Models - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- A Low-Cost Sensor Network for Wildfire Smoke Detection and Monitoring - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Accelerating awareness, understanding, and adoption of wildland fire science information - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Smoke in a new era of fire
- Phase dynamics of wildland fire smoke emissions and their secondary organic aerosols
- Critical assessment of wildland fire emissions inventories: methodology, uncertainty, effectiveness - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Smoke management photographic guide: a visual aid for communicating impacts
- Forecasting integrated lightning and fuels ignition potentials in a system with real-time analysis of fire weather prediction accuracy
- Modeling study of the contribution of fire emissions on BC concentrations and deposition rates
- Verification of Spot Fire Weather Forecasts
- Future mega-fires and smoke impacts
- Impacts of mega-fires on large U.S. urban area air quality under changing climate and fuels
- The merits of prescribed fire outweigh potential carbon emission effects
- Public perceptions and tolerance of smoke from prescribed and wildland fire
- Real time monitoring of the three dimensional distribution of smoke aerosol levels from prescribed fires and wildfires - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Wildfire smoke: a guide for public health officials
- Prescribed fire: what influences public approval?
- Automated forecasting of smoke dispersion and air quality using NASA terra and aqua satellite data (Task 5) - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Smoke produced from residual combustion
- Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on air
- Real-time smoke particulate sampling; fire storm 2000
- Smoke exposure at western wildfires
- Interim air quality policy on wildland and prescribed fires
- Smoke column height related to fire intensity
Oct 12, 2017
Past Events
- Nov 1, 2023
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mar 13, 2018
- Nov 14, 2016
- Oct 28, 2016
- Mar 16, 2016
- Mar 14, 2016
- Sep 16, 2015
- Mar 16, 2015
- Sep 17, 2014