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Paul A. Werth, Richard Ochoa
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Fire Behavior
Extreme Fire Behavior
Case Studies
Fire Prediction
Ponderosa pine woodland/savanna, Mountain shrubland/wooded draw

NRFSN number: 8307
FRAMES RCS number: 11682
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An atmospheric index specifically designed to be related to the growth of wildland fires is evaluated for two recent Idaho fires. The index includes terms related to high midlevel lapse rates and low-level dry air. In the cases examined, the index performs well at pinpointing the time of the most explosive fire growth. Long-term season statistics also show that the index is useful for determining when the most acreage will be lost to wildland fires.


Werth, P.A.; Ochoa, R. 1993. The evaluation of Idaho wildfire growth using the Haines Index. Weather and Forecasting. 8(2): 223-234.

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