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Recorded Webinars
- Interactions among the mountain pine beetle, fires, and fuels
- Management for mountain pine beetle outbreak suppression: does relevant science support current policy?
- Fuels and fire behavior dynamics in bark beetle-attacked forests in Western North America and implications for fire management
- Effects of bark beetle-caused tree mortality on wildfire
- Bark beetles, fuels, fires, and implications for forest management in the Intermountain West
- Bark beetle-fire associations in the greater Yellowstone area
Technical Reports/White Papers
- Fire and bark beetle interactions
- Reciprocal interactions between bark beetles and wildfire in subalpine forests: landscape patterns and the risk of high-severity fire - Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program
- Assessing post-fire Douglas-fir mortality and Douglas-fir beetle attacks in the Northern Rocky Mountains
- Deterioration of fire-killed and fire-damaged timber in the Western United States
- Bark beetle-fire associations in the greater Yellowstone area