The NRFSN develops science reviews, briefs, and summaries to summarize the best available science and current research, identify knowledge gaps, and document learning that was part of past fire science events.
Science Reviews
Science reviews summarize and review the state-of-knowledge on current topics of importance for fire and fuels management in the Northern Rockies.
Post-fire tree regeneration (or lack thereof) can change ecosystems (2020) - Camille Stevens-Rumann, Penelope Morgan, Kimberley T. Davis, Kerry Kemp, Jarod Blades
The effects of previous wildfires on subsequent wildfire behavior and post-wildfire recovery (2019) - Camille Stevens-Rumann, Susan J. Prichard, Penelope Morgan
Quaking aspen in the Northern Rockies: retention and restoration (2017) - Camille Stevens-Rumann, Penelope Morgan, Eva K. Strand, Diane Abendroth
Research Briefs
Topic-focused reviews of current fire science research in the Northern Rockies.
Reduced fire severity offers buffer to climate-driven declines in resilience - California and the Klamath (2023) - Kimberly T. Davis
Reduced fire severity offers buffer to climate-driven declines in resilience - Southern Rockies and Southwest (2023) - Kimberley T. Davis
Reduced fire severity offers buffer to climate-driven declines in resilience - Inland Northwest (2023) - Kimberley T. Davis
Reduced fire severity offers buffer to climate-driven declines in resilience - Northern Rockies (2023) - Kimberley T. Davis
Fire ecology and management of spotted knapweed, diffuse knapweed, and yellow starthistle (2022) - Robin J. Innes
Short-interval high severity reburns change the playing field for forest recovery (2022) - Tyler J. Hoecker, Monica G. Turner
Wildfire effects on microclimate conditions and tree regeneration in mixed conifer forests (2022) - Kyra D. Wolf, Kimberley T. Davis, Philip E. Higuera
Lick Creek: Lessons learned after 20+ years of fuel treatments in Ponderosa pine (2021) - Sharon M. Hood, Duncan C. Lutes, Christopher R. Keyes, Anna Sala
Whitebark pine growth and defense in response to mountain pine beetle outbreaks (2021) - Nickolas E. Kichas
What makes a resilient landscape? Climate, fire, and forests in the Northern Rockies (2021) - Monica G. Turner
Effects of seed source pattern on post-fire tree recovery (2021) - Jamie L. Peeler
Wildland firefighter smoke exposure and risk of lung and cardiovascular disease (2020) - Kathleen M. Navarro, Linda Mutch
Climatic Controls on Post-fire Ponderosa Pine and Douglas-fir Regeneration and Growth (2020) - Kimberley T. Davis, Lacey Hankin
Community conversations: applying traditional knowledge to fire management and research (2019) - Hannah Lopez, Frank K. Lake, Vita Wright
Mountain big sagebrush - Fire regimes (2019) - Robin J. Innes
Fire behavior and ecological effects of burning masticated forest fuels (2018) - Penelope Morgan, Alistair M. S. Smith, Aaron M. Sparks, Camille Stevens-Rumann, Pamela G. Sikkink, Zachary D. Lyon, Robert F. Keefe
Wildland fire radio communication - common myths and best practices (2018) - Anne E. Black, Rebekah L. Fox, Elena Gabor, David Thomas, Jennifer Ziegler
Mountain big sagebrush - Fire ecology and management (2017) - Robin J. Innes
Aging masticated fuels - How do they change over time? (2017) - Pamela G. Sikkink
Effectiveness and longevity of wildland fire as a fuel treatment (2016) - Sean A. Parks, Corey L. Gucker
Workshop Summaries
Workshops hosted or co-hosted by the NRFSN.
Whitebark pine workshop: science, management, and community (2015) - Corey L. Gucker
Field Trip Summaries
Field trips and tours hosted or co-hosted by the NRFSN.
Western Rx Fire Science Research Burn: Extending southeastern prescribed fire lessons and science to the West (2019) - Monique D. Wynecoop
Lolo Peak Fire 2017: From the wilderness to the wildland urban interface (2018) - Linda Mutch
Yellowstone fire history and fire ecology - Insights 27 years after the 1988 fires (2016) - Corey L. Gucker
Conserving whitebark pine in ski areas - Demonstrations at Whitefish Mountain Resort (2016) - Corey L. Gucker
The ecological importance of severe fire - Site visits to Lolo Creek and Blue Mountain burned areas (2014) - Corey L. Gucker
40 years of wilderness fire in the Selway-Bitterroot and Frank Church-River of No Return (2014) - Corey L. Gucker
The Bitterroot Valley fires of 2000 - Revisiting experiences and fire effects 13 years later (2014) - Corey L. Gucker
Fuels treatments in ponderosa pine - Visits to the Boise National Forest and Boise Basin Exp. Forest (2014) - Corey L. Gucker
Integrated fuel/restoration treatments - Field tour at the Priest River Experimental Forest (2013) - Corey L. Gucker
Whitebark pine restoration challenges - Restoration site visits in the Bridger Mountains (2013) - Corey L. Gucker
Webpage Reviews
Topic-focused reviews of current Northern Rockies fire issues with links to a variety of additional supporting resources.