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Background Enactment of the Clean Air Act (CAA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), three of the primary federal environmental laws, all coincided with the height of fire suppression and exclusion in the…
Author(s): Sara A. Clark, Jenna N. Archer, Scott L. Stephens, Brandon M. Collins, Don L. Hankins
Year Published:

Background: Characterisation of fuel consumption provides critical insights into fire behaviour, effects, and emissions. Stand-replacing prescribed fire experiments in central Utah offered an opportunity to generate consumption estimates in…
Author(s): T. Ryan McCarley, Andrew T. Hudak, Benjamin C. Bright, J.B. Cronan, Paige C. Eagle, Roger D. Ottmar, Adam C. Watts
Year Published:

Previous works have shown the effectiveness of EfficientNet - a convolutional neural network built upon the concept of compound scaling - in automatically detecting smoke plumes at a distance of several kilometres in visible camera images. Building…
Author(s): Armando Fernandes, Andrei Utkin, Paulo Chaves
Year Published:

Historical and contemporary policies and practices, including the suppression of lightning-ignited fires and the removal of intentional fires ignited by Indigenous peoples, have resulted in over a century of fire exclusion across many of the USA’s…
Author(s): Clare E. Boerigter, Sean A. Parks, Jonathan Long, Jonathan D. Coop, Melanie Armstrong, Don L. Hankins
Year Published:

Background: Intentional management of naturally ignited wildfires has emerged as a valuable tool for addressing the social and ecological consequences of a century of fire exclusion in policy and practice. Policy in the United States now allows…
Author(s): Scott Thomas Franz, Melanie M. Colavito, Catrin Edgeley
Year Published:

Our study leverages insights from the conservation of resources theory and job demands–resources theory to explore the relationship between two types of emotional labor—surface acting and deep acting—and job performance among firefighters.…
Author(s): Hyeong-Su Park, Kuk-Kyoung Moon, Tae-Soo Ha
Year Published:

Background: Indigenous Fire Stewardship (IFS) is contested within settler-colonial contexts, where its development is shaped by complex and dynamic socio-cultural, legal, and political factors. This manuscript draws from the policy sciences to…
Author(s): William Nikolakis, Russell Myers Ross, Victor Steffensen
Year Published:

Background As fire seasons in the Western US intensify and lengthen, fire managers have been grappling with increases in simultaneous, significant incidents that compete for response resources and strain capacity of the current system. Aims To…
Author(s): Alison Cullen, Brian R. Goldgeier, Erin J. Belval, John T. Abatzoglou
Year Published:

Wildland firefighters often work in remote settings with multiple hazards that can cause life-threatening injuries. Prompt access to medical care is key to reducing injury consequences. For the last decade, a spatial model of wildland firefighter…
Author(s): Michael J. Campbell, Benjamin Gannon, Obaidur Rahman, Richard D. Stratton, Phillip E. Dennison
Year Published:

Background: Recognizing the complexity and varied nature of forest fuelbeds is crucial in understanding fire behavior and effects on the landscape. While current modeling efforts often consider fine and coarse woody debris surface fuel loads, those…
Author(s): Sharon M. Hood, Sarah Flanary, Christine Stalling
Year Published:

Background: Crown scorch - the heating of live leaves, needles, and buds in the vegetative canopy to lethal temperatures without widespread combustion - is one of the most common fire effects shaping post-fire canopies. Despite the ability of…
Author(s): Adam L. Atchley, Chad M. Hoffman, Sophie R. Bonner, Scott M. Ritter, Joseph J. O'Brien, Rodman Linn
Year Published:

Climate change is altering fire regimes and post-fire conditions, contributing to relatively rapid transformation of landscapes across the western US. Studies are increasingly documenting post-fire vegetation transitions, particularly from forest to…
Author(s): Kimberly T. Davis, Monique D. Wynecoop, Mary Ann Rozance, Katherine B. Swensen, Drew S. Lyons, Charlotte Dohrn, Meade Krosby
Year Published:

Background: Ecosystem management, community restoration, and managing for climate resilience have become major priorities of land management in recent decades. For woodlands and savannas (i.e., “open forests”), this transition has meant moving fire-…
Author(s): Lauren S. Pile Knapp, Daniel C. Dey, Michael C. Stambaugh, Frank R. Thompson III, J. Morgan Varner
Year Published:

To understand the impacts of changing climate and wildfire activity on conifer forests, we studied how wildfire and post-fire seasonal climate conditions influence western larch (Larix occidentalis) regeneration across its range in the northwestern…
Author(s): Spencer Vieira, Kimberly Davis, Zachary A. Holden, Andrew J. Larson, Philip E. Higuera
Year Published:

Cameras, especially those carried by drones, are the main tools used to detect wildfires in forests because cameras have much longer detection ranges than smoke sensors. Currently, deep learning is main method used for fire detection in images, and…
Author(s): Wei Yuan, Lei Qiao, Liu Tang
Year Published:

Across the country prescribed fire councils are emerging as a way to bring different stakeholders together to advance the use of prescribed fire. The concept originated in the southeastern United States and offers a way to share resources,…
Author(s): Ella Hall
Year Published:

Flame spread over discrete fuels is a typical phenomenon in fire scenes. Experimental and theoretical research on flame spread over discrete thermally thin fuels separated by air gaps with different inclination angles was conducted in the present…
Author(s): Xiaoliang Zhang, Shibing Kuang, Yanli Zhao, Jun Zhang, Shengfeng Luo
Year Published:

Indigenous Peoples have been stewarding lands with fire for ecosystem improvement since time immemorial. These stewardship practices are part and parcel of the ways in which Indigenous Peoples have long recorded and protected knowledge through our…
Author(s): Melinda M. Adams
Year Published:

The wildfire issue in the western United States presents a complex challenge that impacts both society and the environment. Implementing K-12 education programs focused on wildfire can play a significant role in addressing this issue. By integrating…
Author(s): Christina M. Restaino, Spencer Eusden, Megan Kay
Year Published:

Pressure treated wood (PTW) and wood-plastic composite (Trex®) were exposed to glowing firebrand piles in a bench-scale wind tunnel. The air flow velocity was 0.9–2.7 m s−1, the firebrand coverage densities were 0.06 and 0.16 g …
Author(s): Alec Lauterbach, Sangkyu Lee, Jacques De Beer, Stanislav I. Stoliarov, Peter B. Sunderland, Michael J. Gollner, Alexander I. Filkov, Gavin P. Horn
Year Published: